Archive: Feb 2015

  1. Planetary Awesomeness

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    Some of my favorite tutorials are by YuLia Sokolova and today I created some space icons from one of her Photoshop tutorials. Here’s my outcome:

    planets Screen Shot 2015-02-26 at 2.46.21 PM Screen Shot 2015-02-26 at 2.46.39 PM

  2. Spirograph

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    As a little kid growing up in the 90’s, the spirograph was my entertainment pretty much all day, every day. I loved that thing so much with the little carrying case. I thought I was so important. Let me bring you back a few years:


    Now, since today is Thursday and I’m sure all of you are well aware of #TBT by now, I decided to teach myself how to make one in Illustrator. Here is the result:
